

Polish Volunteer Medical Team Provides Free Services at Ethiopian Hospitals

A team of dedicated Polish volunteer medical professionals has concluded a week-long mission of providing free medical services at Torhayloch Hospital and Tikur Anbessa Hospital in Addis Ababa. This initiative, facilitated by the Ethiopia Diaspora Association, demonstrates the impact of global partnerships in healthcare.

The Polish medical team, comprising a diverse group of specialists including surgeons, general practitioners, and nurses, arrived in Ethiopia last week with the mission to enhance medical care and share their expertise with local healthcare providers. During their seven-day stay, they conducted numerous surgeries, medical check-ups, and training sessions for hospital staff. Patients at both hospitals benefited greatly from the advanced medical care and specialized treatments provided by the Polish volunteers.

The Ethiopia Diaspora Association played a crucial role in coordinating the visit, handling logistics, and ensuring that the volunteers could maximize their impact during their stay. Their efforts included arranging accommodations, transportation, and facilitating collaboration with the local hospitals, making it possible for the volunteers to focus entirely on delivering healthcare services.



The Ethiopia Diaspora Association played a crucial role in coordinating the visit, handling logistics, and ensuring that the volunteers could maximize their impact during their stay. Their efforts included arranging accommodations, transportation, and facilitating collaboration with the local hospitals, making it possible for the volunteers to focus entirely on delivering healthcare services.


As the Polish volunteers prepare to return home, the legacy of their visit will endure through the improved health outcomes of countless patients and the strengthened capacity of the local healthcare system. This mission serves as a reminder of the profound difference that skilled professionals can make through volunteerism and international cooperation.

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