

There is Nothing like home!

Welcome to Ethiopian Diaspora Association

Ethiopian Diaspora Association is an organization that connects, empowers, and mobilizes the Ethiopian diaspora all over the world, with their home country being a bridge between them. The association was born with the idea of forming a strong and vibrant network of Ethiopian diaspora members, and it provides information, guidance, and support for diaspora members to contribute to Ethiopia’s development.



Years of Experience


Thousands Members


Worid wide Offices

legal Assistance

will have access to legal assistance services. Our team of legal experts is here to provide support

Writing Letters of Support

We specialize in providing our members with meticulously crafted Letters of Support,

Providing Latest information

As a member of our organization, you will have access to up-to-date and relevant information on various topics


Your generous donations help us make a significant impact in our community. 

Any Questions

These questions represent the inquiries raised by our diaspora community members, reflecting their interest and engagement in various aspects of our homeland.

1. Networking: You gain access to valuable networking opportunities with fellow diaspora members, fostering connections and collaborations.

2. Collective Voice: You have a platform to voice concerns collectively rather than individually, amplifying the impact of your issues and making your voice stronger.

3. Support Letters: If you need a supporting letter, the association can provide one for you.

4. Legal Assistance: in times of legal challenges or abuse, the association provides access to legal assistance through its own lawyers and acts as a strong advocate for its members.

1, Attach passport size photographs
2, Passport Copy
3, Copy of yellow card and residence ID: If you have a foreign passport, show the yellow card with your passport. If you have an Ethiopian passport, show your residence ID with your passport.
4, Membership registration fee 1200 ETB

Yes, it does, but before the association provides a supporting letter, there is a requirement
• The first one is that you must have a renewed membership ID.
• Secondly, you need to write a request letter asking for a supporting letter. This letter should state the organization for which you need the supporting letter and specify the topic it should cover.

Our event

Our Upcoming Events


what They’re Talking About Us


Amanuel T

Canada, vancouver

The Ethiopia Diaspora Association has been an invaluable resource for me as I navigate living abroad while maintaining my connection to Ethiopia. Their events, resources, and support networks have helped me stay connected to my roots and contribute meaningfully to the development of my homeland. I'm grateful for their dedication and tireless efforts.


Selamawit G

Canada, calgary

Joining the Ethiopia Diaspora Association has truly been a life-changing experience for me. Not only have I found a community of like-minded individuals who share my love for Ethiopia, but I've also had the opportunity to give back through their various initiatives. 


Yohannes M

USA, Florida

As a member of the Ethiopian diaspora, finding ways to stay connected to my cultural heritage has always been important to me. The Ethiopia Diaspora Association has provided me with opportunities to engage in cultural events, and community projects. Being part of this association has enriched my life in so many ways.


Mimi A

Germany, Frankfurt

The services offered by the Ethiopian Diaspora Association have been incredibly helpful. Their legal aid service assisted me with an important legal dispute.



Our Blog & Feeds


January 27 2024

Ethiopian Diaspora Month Successfully Held at Ghion Hotel

We proudly hosted Ethiopian Diaspora Month at Ghion Hotel, featuring a dynamic exhibition showcasing Ethiopian heritage, innovation, and contributions from the diaspora. The event also included a memorable night walk, bringing together participants for an engaging and reflective experience.

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October 2 2024

የኢትዮጵያ ዲያስፖራ ሳምንት በመጪዉ ጥር ይከበራል

የኢትዮጵያ ዲያስፖራ ማህበር በመጪዉ ጥር ወር ለማዘጋጀት ስላሰበዉ ትልቅ ድግስ  በቤልቪዉ ሆቴል የተለያዩ ሚዲያዎች በተገኙበት


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March 03,2024

Polish Volunteer Medical Team Provides Free Services at Ethiopian Hospitals

A team of dedicated Polish volunteer medical professionals has concluded a week-long mission of providing free medical services at Torhayloch Hospital and Tikur Anbessa Hospital in Addis Ababa.

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